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Monday, 8 November 2010

Llanglollen Tyn Dwr Wales... home now

I had a fabulous experience in Wales with our university cohort. what a wonderful bunch we have in our group. We were situated within the grounds of a wonderful mansion within lots of tall trees. It felt like camping as a kid. We stayed in round Yurts, these sleep 8 people in bunks, they have a wood burner that does a fabulous job at keeping you warm all night, in fact, because of it, I want a wood burner at home! they also have a dining table in the middle, pretty basic but cosy little place, four bunks and woodburner around the edge, with the table and chairs in the middle... simples. They have no electricity, not even a light. This is on purpose of course, they are designed so that the people sleeping in them dont use technology and choose to get to know one another better. It is a brilliant idea. If they had electricity we would be on our phones and laptops etc so we wouldnt get to know one another like we had.Ok, we didnt think it was so great on day one, What, No electricity, No lights, how the hell do we survive lol, but it was brill once we got used to the idea and found out more about one another...just brill!

yurts we stayed in Nov 2-5th 2010

We did lots of outdoor teambuilding tasks that really test you. An over all brilliant experience and perfect way to get to know all your class buds better.

We didn't get to do any of the water sports, i.e canoeing, kayaking, pot holing as the rivers were really high ravaging speedy swollen rivers, pretty scary stuff, I have a video of one of the rivers that ran out side the pub but it doesnt show the true scale, it was horrible scary stuff lol. Click the link for the video I took at the pub, wish it was daylight phew x

me, mountain climbing, hated it but loved coming down, i was rope girl for 2hrs so by the time it was my turn I couldn't feel a thing with my two dodgy fingers on my left hand

Here is the 100ft Cragg used for Abseiling, gary the expert is stood on top WOW!you dont see the true size really with this photo.

I missed the neds but they were in capable hands, it was nice to have a rest for a change but it rained loads in Wales and were some good gales going on so thought the horses were going through the same so did think about them awwww. Back to reality now though and wow, home is no different, the weather has been poops, rain rain rain and cold cold cold winds. I'm sure i'm destined to live in hot climates really lol.

my little boy 8th Nov 2010

Whilst in Wales, my friend phoned me to tell me their old horse 'Red' had just died, she sadly died of colic. Its such a shame, she was a lovely horse and anyone could ride her, it was only a matter of weeks ago I had a photo take with her that I forwarded to my friend and her family and told them how well she looked.  Below, myself and Red a few weeks ago xxxxxxxxxxxxx