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Monday, 28 February 2011

Sharing with you RIDING MAGAZINE of the 1950s

I thought I would let you have an insight in to that famous horsey mag 'RIDING' The horse lover's magazine. I have one that is dated January 1956. VOL 16 No.1   costing One shilling and six pence.

Here is the front page: The caption states ' The Quorn Foxhounds tumbling out of the box which conveyed them to the meet at Ulverscroft Ruins, in the forest country.
Front covre Riding 1956

For the first few pages there are adverts:

Page 4

Page 6

Page 7 States Operation Round up... To British people, with only the memory of pony sales in Devon and the New Forest as a criterion, the idea of rounding up 25,000 wild horses seems a task beyond the powers of man; but in Wyoming, USA, this amazing feat has been successfully accomplished. 

It then shows Frank Robbins roping the magnificant stallion, Desert Dust. It also shows a wild horse being roped by his front feet and in depth theory and illustrations.

Page 12 States The lunge and long reins ....  (In photos illustrated in the magazine).I have tried to show the eseential points in training the young horse on long reins. The advantage of lunging and long reining is that a young horse can be taught obedience to the voice, to move freely forward and to become supple without any weight on his back. In addition, he can be accustomed to a bit in his mouth and a saddle on his back as well as many other new sensations. This may be begun at the afe of two years for short periods only.

Page 15

The above photo caption reads ' Some of the horses and riders of the Spanish Riding School, which has now returned to Vienna, from Wels. The magnificant covered school is situated in Josefsplatz.

Also Page 15

Page 16

Page 16 states Horses and Humour........
I wonder if horses have a sense of humour and can enjoy a joke? Early one morning I was cantering carelessly across the desert outside Khartoum, just beyond the Burri Waterworks, heading for a strip of green scrub which fringes the Nile. My mount was a sedate black charger and very broad in the back. She was a quiet old thing, but was terrified of dogs and neither of us notices two pye dogs streaking the desert after us. These Sudanese dogs hated horses, at anyrate ,army horses and would rush after them if one passed near a cillage, and their attacke was always silent. The first thin the old mare knew about them was when tey snapped at her heels. She gave one almighty buck upwards and another sidewards. The mext moment I sat down very hard on the desert sand. After scaring the mare nearly out of her old wits, and thereby achieved my humilation, the dogs slunk off well pleased with themselves. My charger galloped on a few yards before recovering her composure. Then she stopped and turned around. I was still sitting on the ground and she regarded me gravely for a few seconds before the humour of the situation struck her. Then, I am sure she laughed, she thought I looked very funny and she was probably right. A horse of my father's had a playful habit of pulling his handkerchief out of his breast pocket and waving it triumphantly in the air.

Page 22

Page 22 A fox's Tale states ............ the caption says "........ Sly Fox was soon sitting comfortablyon top of a nearby hill studying his map"

Sly Fox was slumbering quietly under the Thunder Beech when a strange sound awakened him -  a sound that made his blood tingle and the hairs on his back stand straight up in the air. It was a low, mellow sound, the blowing of the hungtin horn for the Baggybreech Hunt. It was a still, mild morning and the housnd would soon bo on the scent of Sly Fox. "My brush!" exclaimed Sly, "I had forgottyen about the hunt today. It would have to be on the day that I had planned to trap Sir Rochester Rabbit's eldest son, and to have him for dinner with dandelion sauce. I'll just have time to run back for my map, soap and sponge. Oh Bother!"

Page 32

Look at the breeches wow! The Blaze Royal is advertising a novel. It also has 'After a long day in the saddle, buy Fibrosine balm, relieves stiffness in seconds. Also advertised is Kossolian, keeps your horses fit, racehorse brand. Also advertises the 1956 Olympic equestrian games, stockholm!

Page 34
Look at how much cornucrescine cost in them days, it states ' The Famous Hoof Ointment, has never failed for 58 years to CURE any case of Sandcrack, Brittle hoof, Seedy Toe, Thrush or Contracted feet. If you dont already use it, send for some today and I will willingly Guarantee results. Prices 4/6, 12/6, 65/-  per tin.

Back Page

There are many interesting tales and educational aspects of the Riding magazine of the 1950s,.What I seem to conclude is that, the content isn't too disimilar to what we read today. The fashions, imagery and quality of course is greatly advanced in our era. This too noting the magazine is not in colour at this point. We too are more 'fashion, image' orientated with fashion for horses being a biggie in the 21st century. Where as the fifties they were mainly focused in an element of practical content.  Much further from the bling bling of today and the many colourful items we can buy our mounts and ourselves today! It is interesting how products like Rice Horse Trailer and Cornucrescine etc are still sold today. Most adverts you can familiarise with, it's mainly the monetry side of things that have changed, i.e 10 gns (guinies) and 4 and 6 (4/6) etc. It also seems more family friendly and has many topics for involving children, which some magazines of today dont. The news and topics are in depth and very educational. They discuss the practical issues,backing it up with theory and photo footage in an evidence based way. This magazine is very well written by the many authors adn captivate syou at all levels. There is a very good document regarding instructing in horsemanship and inexperienced instructors that is very well written. I see many magazines today virtually say the same. relating to the content listed in this magazine. I have mentioned in an earlier post of my opinion on how to 'update' today's magazines of course, you know by now what my opinions are like lol. You just feel that you could buy a magazine in 2008 say, then not buy any for years buy one in 2011 and the content is the same. How many gridwork lessons do people need within such a short period. ok, i will stop here before I dig myself a hole lol.

I hope you have enjoyed the Images of the 1956 'Riding' magazine ........ until next time, cheerio!!